Four Big Ideas for the Future
Half an hour into Jason Ohler’s latest book, Four Big Ideas for the Future, I went onto Amazon and ordered four more copies. I know...
Outstanding Analysis of NZs Education Problems
As a provocative, insightful investigation into the state of our education system, tonight's TV3 documentary "World Class? Inside NZ...
Eastern Bay Kids on a Digital Journey
I'm feeling very satisfied at becoming a trustee of Te Aka Toitu, a new charitable trust set up with plans to provide affordable devices...
Getting UFB Was Painless – Eventually
I am now live on UFB. After my earlier post taking the RSPs sales teams to task for reluctant service I was contacted by several people...
Retail Resistance Frustrates Fibre
Is UFB – a visionary, nation-building programme that taxpayers have funded - being undermined by the retail telecommunications companies?...
Queensland Health at Teleheath Conference
A stand-out speaker at the Austalasian Telehealth Confeence this week, for me, was Andrew Bryett from the Queensland Department of...
Reflections on Australasian Telehealth Conference
The Australian Telehealth Society’s annual conference “Successes and Failures in Telehealth” has become a must-go for me. By building the...
Video Health Services for Samoa
I’m back into another telehealth project. Counties Manukau Health have contracted me 2-3 days a week to establish video consultations...
Time to Fast Track Rural Broadband
Its high time the government gave rural NZ the priority it deserves when subsidising broadband infrastructure. News trickled out last...
Medical Law Conference - My Presentation
I presented to the 16th annual Medical Law Conference in Wellington yesterday about telehealth, shared care records, and privacy. Here's...