Privacy, Shared Health Care Records, and Net Hui
Last week I went to Net Hui and supported Sebastian Morgan-Lynch from the Privacy Commissioner’s Office in a session about privacy...
Inspiring Day in Kawerau
I spent Friday at the blessing and official opening of the new Kawerau Medical Centre. It was a fun and inspirational day. Inspirational...
Patient Portals- What Kind of Poll was That?
"New Zealand Doctor" in my humble opinion is one of the most informative, successful and thoughtful magazines surviving into the digital...
Regional Development - a Personal Tale
So I've settled in Whakatane. Permanently, I hope and expect. It:s early days but I'm excited and thrilled with the decision and...
Australian Telehealth Conference - Day 2
Its been another really interesting day in Melbourne. Rather than write up each session in turn, I’ll focus on my three key takeaway...
Australian Telehealth Conference - Day 1
Two brain surgeons and a politician opened the Australian Telehealth Conference today here in Melbourne. It’s been a fascinating day,...
General Practice Reviewing its Business Model
I enjoyed the Rural GPs' Conference in Wellington this past weekend. Much of the content was aimed at professional clinicians and out of...
"Striking" Drop in NZ Mobile Phone Prices
I was stoked to hear Telecommunications Commissioner Steven Gale on radio tonight commenting that many NZ mobile phone services have...
Telehealth on Matakana Island
Telehealth has been live on Matakana Island in Tauranga harbour quietly for a few months but is now gaining momentum. It's part of the...
Conferences Galore!
I'm down for three conferences next month. Once it wouldn't have deserved a comment but these days its unusual. They all promise to be...