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Public Relations and Issues Management

There's no shortage of communications consultancies in New Zealand and elsewhere, offering services of all descriptions to corporate clients.


In this crowded field, Ernie positions himself as a niche operator. His specialty is in engaging public awareness and support through the news media to promote change. He is at his best working in highly complex fields where there is entrenched resistance and public or political misunderstanding. He has a special interest in not-for-profit advocacy groups, having spent more than 30 years of his career heading these across a wide range of sectors with some notable achievements to his credit.


He has a conviction in the immense power of media to influence change if only they can be convinced of the virtue of doing so. The overwhelming majority of journalists, he believes, genuinely want to convey accurate messages rather than pursue agandas of their own - their challenge is to understand and interpret controversial topics where there are vested interests desiring to confuse them.


His positioning statement - "Making Complex Issues Simple" - sums up not only his skill set, but his approach to media management. And he doesn't shrink from a challenge!


Ernie's track record of success in TUANZ, his previous experience running the "Buy New Zealand" Campaign, and his media "teeth cutting" in some contentious issues in the grocery, manufaturing and horticulture sectors in the 1970s and 1980s, are testimony to his skills and mature judgements in this field.


He is available to consult in issues management and related communications challenges, either the tactical planning or detailed implementation. He also enjoys writing company profiles for small to medium businesses, with a human interest focus.

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